Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 22

Slept in since we didn't have school.  Can I mention, that I am actually sleeping better since I've been on the fitness challenge.  It's not just the exercising cause I've been doing that for 4 months.  It's the giving my body what it wants to eat... not junk!  It is making my digestive process easier for my body and therefore, my body is able to shut down in the evening better and deeper.  Yahoo for better sleep!

TVF.  Shake.  Vanilla-blackberry.  However, I got distracted and didn't blend it long enough.  And it was the end of the bag so I had a LOT of seeds.  And I couple chunks of my coconut oil.  Chunks of oil not a good thing.  See sidebar below for more about my coconut oil change.  Then it was off to see Jen the Arbonne Fairy.  She gave me a sample of the shakes that are premixed in a box (like a juice box) and ready to go.  Since some mornings I run out of time, I am looking forward to trying it!  We also chatted about how much better I am feeling overall.  I really do have more energy.  Probably the biggest surprise is that I am not always looking for my next meal.  I drink my morning shake and go all morning long without thinking "snack, snack, snack".  Or my afternoon shake and then I am good until dinner.  And the fact that I can control my portions at dinner also tells me it is helping curb my appetite.  My fairy visit was followed by lunch out with my son.  I took most of my meal home to eat, having eaten the salad that came with it and rolls... delicious, wonderful rolls with melt on the roll cinnamon butter.  We then met a friend at the park to walk while the kiddos played.  However, our plans were halted when there was an older kid just hanging out and watching our kids.  Long story short, no walk.  Off to gym later where I nearly accomplished a 4 minute mile on the bike.  Dinner was a small portion of an enchilada casserole with some healthy avocado along instead of sour cream.  Then it was off to volunteer at Prom where I had 3 decadent dessert bites.  YUM!

Evening came, morning came:  the twenty-second day.

Sidebar:  Yes, coconut oil.  I had a visit with a friend that has lost like 67 pounds.  She chose a plan that is working for her and kudos for that.  But in the meantime, as we were discussing our protein shakes, she mentioned that she added coconut oil to her shakes.  I am a big fan of coconut oil as I have read alot about it's good properties so the next time I was in the store I picked up some to add to my shakes instead of the olive oil.  "Coconut oil contains a type of MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil called lauric acid that is only found here and in mother's breast milk. Lauric acid is a powerful immune stimulant and may help in preventing sickness."  Dr. Susan  Dopart, Huffpost Healthy Living and  Can I tell you that it is not liquid but solid like crisco?  It was quite the shocker to me.  I haven't noticed any changes one way or the other, but I shall continue forward!

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