Monday, June 24, 2013

Challenge Day 13 (Friday)

Almost done.  I am interested in seeing what I do when I "finish".  Will I go all hog wild?  Will I have created some new healthy habits to keep me going?  I fear the first, but pray for the latter.
So, good intentions aside, unless you call house cleaning and cleaning out a work out (I don't), no work out today.

So happy to see just one remaining cleanse packet in the box!  However, if it is Friday, it is happy hour by the tennis courts, so I didn't drink only water today.  On the plus side, I didn't come home and keep drinking wine!  One glass, please and thank you!

A certain bad habit I have is drinking diet soda and not once during this challenge have I craved it.  I hope I have broken its hold on me and that is a good thing because I've read the studies and I believe that drinking diet soda leads to break downs in other healthy eating habits.

I'll be solid with you, I miss my chocolate.  I wish I didn't but I do.  Perhaps, that is a challenge for another day.

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