Sunday, May 6, 2012

Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum

My Arbonne Fairy, Jen, had an open house last week and I was able to snag the new protein bars.  Yesterday, I gave them a try and here's my two-cents on them.  First up was the new Fruit Nutrition Bar.  I liked the nuttiness of it, but not the fruit part.  As a fruity healthy bar goes, it was pretty good, but just not my thing.  And I did appreciate that it didn't have any funny after taste.  Now the Chocolate Nutrition bar was a little bit of heaven!  Chocolate flavor with nuttiness that I found satisfying!  I will be ordering those.  And in the future, there is going to be a Fit Chew-Lemon.  Not confirming that it is a bit of sour heaven, but think it quite possibly could be. 

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