Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pumped up and Excited... This Too Can Work For YOU!

I am actually down 2 pounds for the month of May.  Additionally, I lost another half inch from my waist and my hips stayed the same.  Which could mean I am a bad measurer.  SERIOUSLY!  I AM DOWN!   Thus proving that....

This program works even if you don't follow it to the letter of the law.  I am THRILLED that I am down 2 pounds... I was hoping to maintain.  And I love that over 5 weeks I lost about a 1/2 pound a week.  That means I could be down 15 more pounds by the end of the year!  Which is just the beginning for me, but it means by the end of 2013 I could be at almost at my goal weight.  That does seem like a LONG time from now.  However, I put this weight on over 20 years.  To lose it over 2 would be AWESOME!

This program is easy to follow!  Most days, but not every day, I substitute 1 meal a day with either a shake or protein bar (when I got those) or a premixed shake.  I do think that the premixed shake doesn't sit as long with me as the other probably because it doesn't have the extra fiber from the Fiber Boost or the extra substance from the fruit.  But I think that the protein bars sticks good.  Then I have really altered the portion sizes (most days) and I am still exercising, but haven't been able to as much. 

Here we go!  Another 30 days starts NOW! 
Day 1 and done.

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